Real Estate Magazine

Instructional videos available online for effective use of MahaRERA’s new website ‘MahaCRITI’, Training for users also underway

Mumbai 4th September 2024

The Maharashtra Real Estate Regulatory Authority’s (MahaRERA’s) new website MahaCRITI or Maha-Complaint and Regulatory Integrated Technology Implementation went live on September 1. To ensure effective browsing of the new portal, instructional videos have been posted online to guide users.

Additionally, as previously announced, online training has been ongoing for two weeks since the website’s launch, queries from the stakeholders are being addressed. The training includes guidance for complainants, instructions for lawyers on how to file complaints and details about the subsequent process. Developers, promoters and their self-regulatory organisations are also being trained on how to effectively use the website for routine tasks such as registering new housing projects, making corrections, renewing registrations, submitting quarterly and annual progress reports, and filing Form 4 upon project’s completion. Real estate agents are also being guided on their routine tasks, such as registration, corrections and renewals. Overall, assistance is being provided to all stakeholders to help resolve any issues they face while performing these routine tasks.

So far, around 550 developers, 350 agents and over 250 lawyers complainants have benefited by participating in this training.

So far 2,766 individuals have accessed the new website and changed their passwords. A total of 581 promoters have updated their information on the portal and 8 promoters have registered their new projects, while 1 has moved a renewal application. From the real estate agents community, 21 applications have been received for new registration, 6 have applied for renewal and 84 agents have updated their information on the latest system. MahaRERA has received 17 complaints filed by homebuyers on the new website.

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